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Monday, December 26, 2005 

Guess Who's Back, Back, Back, Back Again...

Holla, I'm back from my trip to snowboarding and arizona. It was pretty fun. I was snowboarding along at Mountain High, and the weather was nice and shiny. The snow was oldish/newish man made snow. I was carving down some slope when I saw this little fat man, going down on some really small skis. I think those are cross-country skis, but whatever. He was making good time, but then he tripped and flew upward and landed on his back. You could see the puff of air poof out of his mouth as he got the air blown out of him. Ouch. I hope he learned his lesson: use skis that will keep you balanced.

I then had to play violin for someone's wedding. I messed up alot, and I didn't get paid! WTF! I thought I was gonna get paid... but I didn't. It really sucks cause I'm really short on cash. My mum always forgets to give me my allowance, and my little box of money is quickly dwindling cause I spent it on a lot of stuff. Stuff like airsoft guns, golf balls (at an outrageous 5 dollars a ball!), other golf stuff, books, birthday presents, and christmas presents. Of course, I still have money in the bank and in my atm card, but I don't want to take that out.

Snowboarding was very fun, and I ended up with very little sores. I'm sorry I haven't been able to post every recently cause of all this busy work. School coming up in a couple days now! and I'm planning on having an airsoft war. That'll be fun, and then back to the dreary life of a schoolboy. Darn.

My friends and I like to turn ordinary emails into hate mail bombing. One email turned from a joke about the CA drivers Education to screaming at each other about how stupid/gay/retarded everyone was. Comments such as "fuck you max, you have a small dick" and "eric, just go and shoot yourself" were found near the end of the thread.

Here is an example

Eric: Merry Christmas. Happy Jesus DayHappy HolidaysHave A Fun Jew DayMerry Become a Martyr and Get 72 virgins day(Kwanza)Fuckin religous freaksHappy Holidays

Me:are u kidding me? kwanza is not islam u loser. ramadan is islam. kwanza was a religion made up by atheist black guys, who basically said, "fuck christmas, that's for white guys, we got ummm....KWANZAA! That sounds black!"

Me: yeah, wtf is that stupid attachment? that this has been on there for your last 50 some emails.

take it off. its most likely something which he uses to hack our computers or something. seriously max, what is that.

Max: its a public key that allows me to digitally sign all of my emails so that you can be sure its authentic. if you give me a key of your own (you can get one from verisign or some other legit distributer), then I can send encrypted messages (encrypted by the two keys).
you can look at it, it should just be a bunch of letters and numbers, and maybe something about authorized by mac
its probably a .p7s file or something like that (just text)

Me: take it off. its retarded. your emails are not sensitive. unless you are subscribing to some gay porn site. then its another story...

Eric: seriously, why the hell would you encrypt your messagesits not like the CIA is watching you, and it wont stop them if they are.what a loser. Unless you're planning some EXTREMEIST UPRISING with ALQAEDA in the UNITED STATES, in which case i just did the UNITED STATES a big favor for our next 100 emails will be read by some desk clerk inthe NSA or CIA. hehe watch thisAL QAEDA AL QAEDA AL QAEDA AL QAEDAlet them suck on that for a little while. Fuck! all of our computersare gonna be tagged by te CIA for the next month, you watch. Max willprobably get busted for watching Muslim Extremeist porn heheYou can thank Bushy for keppin us safe, one Muslim-porno-obsessedIndian at a time

Me: yeaehahahahaaa, at least one person here has it right! max watches muslim extremist porn!!!!

oh u are screwed maxie!

Max: very funny eric.i have my reasons, and only 2 of you will know (eric is not one ofthem) why, and only one of you explicitly.eric, go back hunting and shut up

Eric: PS
Max in a previous email, could you clarify something
when you said "I have my reasons", were you referring to watching the porn or encrypting the message
just curious

Me: i like apples
Max: seek help
Me: lets stop this thread. how in the heck did a "merry christmas" thread turn into a "wait for the intel macs" and "peter seek help" thread?

that was a rhetorical question. dont respond.

MAx: it was a terrible rhetorical question. you don't have to think at all. just look down about 1000 words.

Me: max can u read? it says do not respond. lets stop this flaming.

Zoe: I get back from a five day Alta ski strip and i find 26 unread messages in my box! i stopped reading them after a while, and this is the only one i felt deserved a response.

anyway, Merry Christmas to all you guys:
Peter, don't feel bad you're not tall enough to put the angel on your tree,
Mickey, don't eat so many pistachios that you get sick,
Max, don't read porn on this holy day,
Matt, don't accidentally knock over the tree, or get lost in your own room,
and Eric, for crying out loud, don't kill your dinner

your friend (i hope still after those insults), Zoe


Max: happy birthday.... beech.
(about the happy birthday part .... i would never "read" [or watch or anything] porn, especially on Xmas [even tho is a bunch of crap] - only matt and peter would do that [thats the only reason that they have palm pilots])
go drive and stock eric.

Me: "Peter, fuck you. i normally don't say that, but fuck you.crew is one of the hardest sports out there. if there ever was anything that wasn't a sport, its golf. do i sound mad? i'm not, but think before you talk"

Just wanted to bring that up...

anyway, lol (zoe ur gonna see that quote at least once a year), anyways... im going snowboarding for the next 4 days, so dont expect any feedback. Im so excited. Then after snowboarding, I drive down to arizona, and golf!!!! yeeehaawww


Matt: my trip to mexico city was almost ruined cause i got a bad case of montezuma's revenge on the third day. i got a very bad case of it
i was eating dinner on the second night, having some nice tacos from a 'nice' restaurant. i was making my tacos, then i made a mistake of adding the spiciest salsa instead of the mild salsa into my taco. I put like two spoonfuls into the taco, then ate it all in one mouthful. i swear almost instantly i started exploding. i started chuging my dad's beer, then after realizing the beer made it worse, i started sipping my mom's strawberry margharita. i screamed to the waiter, AGUA AGUA AGUA! and he brought up a big cup of tap water. i didnt realize at the moment, the worse way to get sick or die in mexico is to drink tap water (even the locals dont drink the tap water), but i did anyways cause my mouth was so spicy!! i didnt eat anything for the rest of the night, then got back to the hotel. i fell asleep at like 11 then woke up at 2 shivering insanely. i felt like my stoumach fell apart and my whole belly was blood red. i checked my temperature and it was 103 deegrees. i had a few convulsions, but now i cant remember whaat exactly they were like. all i can remember was like i was pushing a giant bolder up a hill, forever. i also felt like my limbs were 20 times heavier than normal. maybe sometime at 3, i vomited on the floor the grossest red fluids and bits of incompletely digested taco skin. i could litteraly feel the spicy salsa flowing up the esophagus and i felt like i was breathing fire! i vomited again, luckly in the toliet; i might have seen moving things in the juices. i was still shivering like an inch. im trying to fake my shiver right now, but its not nearly the same. i woke up every 20 minutes for the rest of the night. all i can remember about my hauluzinations was that i had to make a map of mexico city for a group of businessmen. and it felt like pushing a big bolder across a giant plain. its difficult to explain what a halucizanation is. anyways, i didnt go anywhere the next two days.
on the third day i did go to the museum of modern art. guess what. all of rothko's paintings were on display, and the exibistion was almost over! there were 27 rothkos in the mueseum, all lined up from his youth to his death.

Yeah, we're sorta retarted.

Song of the Day (STD)- "Free" by William Hung


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